
Welcome to the official blog site of the Interact Club of SMK Damansara Jaya, District 3300, Malaysia!

Feb 7, 2010

Club meeting

" Oh! Let the hand of friendship be stretched across the sea, To bring mankind together in one fraternity...."

haha, I sure do hope you still remember the Interact song! Anyways, a million thank yous and smiles to all the interactors who came for our last club meeting. I sure do look forward to seeing you more in the future.

But for those, who missed it for various reasons, if you were sick or your hamster died, you had plans..... lol. Well no worries. Just read on.

Station games

1. Station one : Interact knowledge

In the interact knowledge station, interactors were taught the pledge and the two interact songs. Which you still remember? I hope.

Group one 1, and guess who won? *winks*

The interact pledge was cut into many many many different pieces and teams were asked to assemble them back. And this group did it without breaking a sweat. =)))

Team 5 : =) who were always filled with energy and enthusiasm. No?

The pledge almost completed.

2. Station two : The tallest man
Our future engineers of some sort, were told to build not the tallest tower but man.

hahah, you could literally see creative juices flowing out their heads as teams, creatively designed a man who could stand.

from using shoes for shoes

to broom sticks for skirts.

Well, let's just say, some did better than the other.

All smiles. Pretty girls with their man.

3. Station three : Giant speed

Last but not least, our all time favourite, card game speed was tailored to be played in a team.


I hope you guys had tons of fun, we sure did! Next club meeting is on the 24 Feb 2010. See you there?

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About Interact

Interact is a service club for youth ages 14-18. Clubs benefit from sponsorship by individual Rotary clubs, which provide support and guidance. Interact has a membership of over 250,000 youth in more than 11,000 clubs worldwide. It’s one of Rotary’s fastest growing programs. Interact clubs are self-governing and self- supporting and can be either school or community based. Interact’s name is a combination of the words international and action.With clubs in over 120 countries and geographical areas, Interact is truly an international phenomenon. Interact’s global youth network is dedicated to community and international service. Every Interact club project, great or small, has a lasting impact on society worldwide.

For more information, see the Interact Handbook.